Anadyomene' Secret Rec.
is a music label.

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Studio Master FLAC files to free download

Music label with Studio Master
24 bit flac free download is the music label by Agnes de Venice, Xenia Agapene, Brunette Models (Eremites Katoteros) & Provatofoni artists. 24 bit/ 96 kHz free FLAC music download. Here is the label of ambient, hesychasm, modern classical, sacred music etc.

Anadyomene' Secret Rec. is the official label
by Agnes de Venice, Xenia Agapene,
Eremites Katoteros (ex–Brunette
Models) & Provatofoni artists.


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Actual few notes:

Anadyomene Secret Records – musical label by Agnes de Venice, Xenia Agapene, Brunette Models (Eremites Katoteros) and Provatofoni artists. The music there is like a mystic, sacred ambient or hesychasm to our God.

1. Agnes de Venice, Xenia Agapene artists: anchoress.
They live outside the world and look for God
through the art. Agnes de Venice
is our art–painter.

Anadyomene Secret Rec. is the official label by Agnes de Venice, Xenia Agapene, Brunette Models (Eremites Katoteros) & Πρόβατοφωνή artists. The music there is like a mysticism as a possible prayer to God, a kind of hesychasm to Jesus Christ.

2. Eremites Katoteros artist (or older ex–nick:
Brunette Models) has not for the past few years
officially published pressed albums.
He withdrew from the world and focused on music only,
without promotion, A&R, PR etc.
In music he sees mysticism as
a possible prayer to God, a kind of hesychasm.

24 bit/96 kHz free downloads FLAC, Agnes de Venice, Xenia Agapene, Brunette Models, Eremites Katoteros, Provatofoni music artists. Anadyomene Rec. is the label of ambient, hesychasm, modern classical, sacred music etc.

Provatofoni is a music project for Anadyomene' Secret Rec. and it is a music duo by Xenia Agapene & Ερημίτης Κατώτερος (Brunette Models) artists.

3. Provatofoni: Xenia Agapene & Eremites Katoteros
(ex–Brunette Models).

Hesychasm, contemplation and the great
silence are in the musical compositions.

24/96 free downloads FLAC, hesychasm, contemplation and the great silence are in the musical compositions. This is just outdoor music far beyond civilization. Cypriot music label of ambient, hesychasm, modern classical, sacred music etc.
This is just outdoor music far beyond civilization.

Anadyomene' Secret Records. Studio by Brunette Models in 1997 year. Ο Πέτρος σήμερα αποσύρθηκε από τον κόσμο και επικεντρώθηκε μόνο στη μουσική.

Archival photography: control room in recording studio
by Anadyomene' Secret Records (Brunette Models).

4. We still have many terabytes of unpublished
tracks and albums:

Unpublished tracks and albums by Anadyomene' Secret Rec. for free 24/96 downloads. The music label with ambient, modern classical, hesychasm, sacred music.

5. In some our PDF files are old, inactive links, sorry for that.

24/96 FLAC music free download. Official Youtube profile by Anadyomene' Secret Rec. Agnes de Venice, Xenia Agapene, Provatofoni, Eremites Katoteros, Brunette Models etc.

6. FLAC files are lossless, there is no quality loss.
Therefore it is fast, high quality and does not
occupy much space on a media disk.

FLAC files by Anadyomene Secret Rec.

(C) 1999 – 2025 Copyright: Anadyomene' Secret Rec.